What a season for our team!

Wrapping up the 2023 show season, I couldn't be more proud of our team of horses and riders. It was an exceptionally competitive season for us, and our hard work and dedication paid off by winning countless division championships, big classes, and top spots in many BCHJA year end championships. Our success is a testament to the talent and commitment of our riders, as well as the exceptional training and care provided by our team.

Our team walked away with division an reserve championships at every show we attended this year. Consistently delivering impressive performances, and demonstrating their ability to maintain focus and precision under pressure. It is an honour to be competing at Desert International Show Park in Thermal, California, and Thunderbird Show Park in Langley, BC two of the top ranked facilities in North America, serving as a platform to not only showcase our team's capabilities but also to compete against some of the top talent in North America. It was an exceptional season, and we are incredibly proud of our team!

Here are some of our highlights: